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The Power of Sharing : Eastern Sisters Club. TROFEO.Cycling 2021 Women Collection

SHESACYCLIST7 discount code for TROFEO.Cycling online store

Three years ago, when I started my French Riviera adventure as an intern in local event agency I would never imagine that one of my very first acquaintances (besides of bike buddies and work colleagues) will be one very nice, redhead and beautiful girl from Bulgaria - Dilyana. We’ve met accidentally, as I a part of my daily waiting-for-the-train routines was dropping by to the local shop with some home & deco stuff, where she used to work back in the days. One day she’s just reached out to me (and I am very much glad to her for that, I was not THAT confident about my French at that time, neither sure if I can find any off-bike people to meet up with). It was an instant affection and most importantly we had two things in common : - passion for sports & we were both expats.

Jungle Jigsaw matches her perfectly !

With Monika, we’ve met fairly recently - just in the end of 2020 through a common friend (that was not friend at the time, but just someone who likes helping others and just had this wonderful idea to put us in contact). I was already in the region, Monika was just looking to change her environement & chase her longterm dreams to live closer to the sun & the sea. As I was already in the region, there was an idea I could help her out, but she managed to do find a beautiful appartment by herself and you know what ? We’are now (almost) neighbours (I say almost, as it’s still a nice bike ride away, but honestly, with pleasure!) But, surprisingly, it was again NOT the fact of being born in the same country that has drove one to another BUT the things in common - passion for sports & being an expat.

ps. Looks gorgeous in FlowerBird, doesn't she ?

With both of the girls we share one more thing - an entrepreneurial mind. Dilyana is a professional sport’s coach and offer group as individual classes - that I am gladly taking part in. Monika runs her e-commerce store, a business that is a actually a big winner of current global situation and was even boosted by pandemia (not many business can actually say that). And finally, me - an event project manager / translator / virtual assistant and once used to be road cycling guide, but due to Covid-19 situation not any more... (obviously).

Here I'am in Tropical Zen, and actually it defines me pretty well - I am really Zen attitude about...well life in general ;)

A good observer will probably spot yet one more thing that we all have in common - of course - the coolest cycling apparel ! It’s the TROFEO.Cycling apparel, our Polish brand that I am representing here in France the best I can. Here you have it's most colorful & bold representations, BUT they really have something for everyone. Check out for exemple their Inner Energy Collection or In the Forest.


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